🌟 Estamos apenas no inicio de uma jornada duradoura. Não perca tempo para se tornar o mais poderoso treinador pokémon! Em PokeJoy Online, projetar Shinys e montar o time dos seus sonhos nunca foi tão divertido! Com uma progressão de personagem rápida, balanceada e satisfatória, você será desafiado e recompensado a cada passo da sua jornada. Aqui, cada batalha conta, cada conquista é celebrada, e cada momento vivido se transforma em uma memória inesquecível. Não perca tempo, e desperte o treinador que existe em você!

Stats base do Pokemon
Todo Pokémon possuí seus stats base que seguem de acordo com a franquia original. Esses stats são:
HP: É a vida base do seu Pokemon;
Ataque: Aumenta o dano de movimentos stats ataque fisico físicos do seu Pokemon.
Defesa: Diminui o dano de movimentos stats ataque fisico físicos que seu Pokemon leva.
Ataque Especial: Aumenta o dano de movimentos stats/ataque especial do seu Pokemon.
Defesa Especial: Diminui o dano de movimentos stats/ataque especial que seu Pokemon leva.
Esses stats são influenciados diretamente por:
| IV | EV | Nature | Vitaminas | Helds | Buffs/Debuffs | Terrenos | Mastery |
Você pode visualizar os stats do seu Pokemon usando a Pokedex no mesmo.
Sistema de Day Care e Pokémon Egg
From Mordragor Temple, you can enter on main teleport, here it bring you to the Trinity Island.
You will find Arena System, it consist to start pulling the lever ( 1 player or 4 players ) and you will get teleported to
the Arena System, it has 3 levels, with waves of monsters including a final Boss.
You can Choice to continue the level of Arena or get back to the temple if is to hard.
Make sure you can fight them before enter, if you start another level, probably you die if you are not ready.
Dungeon System
From the Trinity Island, you can do a dungeon with your friends or solo.
Dungeon has custom bosses, you need defeat the boss in order to access to the next boss room.
Upcoming New Dungeons
There are upcoming some Updates on pokelife Server, which means, new content, new dungeons, and some more.
I will be constatly in update to reach a goal of a complete server RPG with a lot of features and things to do with friends.

Daily Quest
Daily Quest System

From Trinity Island, you can access one time per day on the Daily Quest.
What means daily quest ?
Each day try the daily quest and you will get a different reward.
Can you find how to open the wall and access to the chest ?
Or maybe did you know how to continue on cave while the passage is blocked ?
Differents Rewards Each day you can done the Daily Quest, and get a different reward per day. You can get differents rewards, Gold Tokens, Ultimate Mana Potion, Ultimate Health potion, Ultimate Spirit Potion, Cluster of Solace, Dream Matter, Silver Token, Tibia Coins and Firewalker Boots.
Improved Mechanics Can you find how to pass the wall on the entrance ? Did you find how to open the wall and access to the chest ? Some Mechanics has been added on the daily quest, to make it more interesting.
Custom Map RPG
The Map is totally custom, you can check the Interactive Map from the Menu.
Secrets There are many secrets on PokeLife, can you find all of them?.
Detailed The map was created fixing and getting the most possible a RPG Content, detailed tiles, mountains, rivers on caves and much more. Maybe can you take a picture and upload it on gallery from your account panel and show off the world of PokeLife?.